Adventures & Insights

One man's adventures in the physical and intellectual worlds…

Daily Archives: September 2, 2011

Blessings From The Internets.

It’s been a while since I really paid attention to the searches that have led to my blog. I’m still beset by people seeking the Ark of the Covenant (seriously guys, I DO NOT have it. Ooh, look over there, a phoenix!) and those looking for the One Ring (Mordor, Mt Doom – ringing any bells, peeps? It’s been destroyed, the lands are safe. Return to your homes and live in peace.) but a few other interesting queries have come my way in addition to these staples.

The interwebs have sent me knowledge and wisdom seekers and sharers alike. They are asking hard-hitting questions. Or soft-edged questions. Either way, they’re asking and who am I not to answer? No-one, that’s who. They’re also sharing their own knowledge, which is great. Naturally, I’ll share it with you. I’m all about the giving.

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