Adventures & Insights

One man's adventures in the physical and intellectual worlds…

Tag Archives: guest post

Learning Lessons With Teachers and Twits.

My brilliant friend Renée over at Lessons From Teachers and Twits is one amazing lady. Not only is she an incredibly talented writer and teacher, she’s also a beautiful human being. Part of her awesomeness is her ability to relate to people, as evidenced by a collaboration project she started a while back now. When Renée sent out the invitation to all readers of her blog to contribute to this sharing of stories, I jumped at the chance. The project is a simple one – Share with other readers a lesson that you have learned and that has stuck with you during your life. Simplicity, I’ve found, often leads to the best and most varied outcomes, as you can read if you check out the posts submitted by other contributors.

Yesterday it was my turn and I am so very excited to be a part of such an excellent community. Without further ado, allow me to direct your attention towards the magnificent blog of Renée A. Schuls-Jacobson who has kindly hosted my reflection on one of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned: If we never fail, then we may never know how successful we can really be. This onés dedicated to a music teacher of mine. Thanks, Mrs. Smith.

Just click on Renée’s pic below and you’ll be transported to her blog and my post!

Happy New Year! Now, Back To Me…

Well here we are, 2012. While some glass half-emptiers are preoccupied with the whole Mayan calendar business, I’ve opted to take advantage of the opportunity to take my life in a whole new direction. I won’t inspire you with the details right now but so far, things are going well (things are quite busy at the moment but my blogging schedule will resume ASAP!). I have a strong sense that 2012 is the start of a whole new, lifelong period of positivity for this little dragon and what better way to begin than by sharing more with others?

Recently I’ve had the pleasure of being invited to be a guest over in Canada – an invitation I will never turn down. Unfortunately (at this stage) it isn’t a physical visit, but it’s pretty much as good as it gets. The Edmonton Tourist and I have shared plenty of stories about our respective climates and because we both love Christmas, she asked me to fill her in on how we do things here in the future Australia when the festive season rolls around.

If my 12 Days of Christmas series was too long for you, please follow this link to the abridged version, a post-Christmas Christmas review post; hosted over at ET’s blog!

Be My Guest!

Earlier this month I received an email from my mate Clay over at EduClaytion asking whether I might have the time to write a guest post for his blog. In response to his request, I cancelled the plans I didn’t have and spent almost a week thinking hard about what I could possibly write that would be good enough to feature on such a great blog.

If you know anything about me, you’ll know that among other things I’m a big fan of the cinema. When it dawned on me that last week was the scheduled release of the Star Wars saga on Blu-ray I found a spark of inspiration. After reading about how George Lucas was going to introduce a number of “revisions and improvements”, I realised that this release may be a little more sinister than I anticpiated.

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