Adventures & Insights

One man's adventures in the physical and intellectual worlds…

Tag Archives: sarcastic

When Retro Goes Wrong.

There seems to be a bit of a fascination with all things retro at the moment. I’m no fashionista or trend setter/follower but it’s been pretty obvious that there’s currently a bit of a retro revival going on. Maybe it’s been going on for a while now. I have no issue with people’s taste. It’s their own thing and how they choose to express themselves is their business. I’m not judging.

I was walking through the city yesterday and passed a guy wearing this t-shirt:

Did you really?

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I wish I could say I am in a good mood today. Sadly I can’t and while I do my utmost to maintain a positive and well-mannered exterior there is a bubbling snark inside me that just wants to say sarcastic things at every opportunity. Instead of aiming this snarkasm-cannon at my friends and readers, I will fire at will at the spam comments I’ve received here at Adventures and Insights over the past few weeks.

Happy Monday everyone; I hope yours is/has been better than mine!

If the idea of sarcastic responses to spam comments doesn’t really amuse you (I can understand why not), check this out instead – Cool It gave me a much needed laugh. Be warned though, it contains swearing.

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