Adventures & Insights

One man's adventures in the physical and intellectual worlds…

Daily Archives: September 16, 2011

Thumbs Up Everybody – For Rock And Roll!

Happy Friday everyone!

Yesterday was the third annual R U OK? Day here in Australia, a national day of asking a simple question with lifesaving potential. If you don’t want to follow the link, R U OK? is a not-for-profit organisation whose purpose is to provide national focus and leadership on suicide prevention by empowering Australians to have open and honest conversations and stay connected with people in their lives. The statistics for suicide and depression in Australia are astonishingly high (geographical isolation doesn’t help when people feel remote enough within a community) and personally, I have nothing but praise for the work that this organisation is doing to encourage us to simply ask a question and remind someone that we care about them. We may not even realise that we might just save a life.

I’m not here to preach though, not today! It’s a glorious Friday morning and the combination of sunshine and warm temperature is like a siren-call to this argonaut who is unfortunately bound tightly to his corporate desk and will not feel the delicious embrace of the Spring today. Nevertheless, it is Friday and there will be no mourning here!

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